dilluns, 11 de maig del 2009

compostition1: the day that a dream came true.

In the world, all people dream in so things and they imagine that in the future their dream will came true but often this doesn’t come true. Because a dream comes true, you have to fight for this dream.
I always had dreamt that I will be a important vet, nowadays I am a important vet in my country, I have traveled in the important natural parks in USA and Africa. Nowadays, I work in a big project for a natural park in Catalonia.
Arrive to this situation isn’t easy, I have to be hard-working and I have to study a lot. In definitive, my dream came true but, because I have fight for it.
The day that I complied my dream I was very happy and don’t only to complied my dream also, I was very happy for my work because it was my passport for obtain my dream.
In conclusion the dreams never come true because yes, if you want a objective fight for it and you will obtain all your dreams.