dilluns, 11 de maig del 2009

composition2: the influence of psychologists on our society

Now adays the psychologists are well integred in the society.
A important number of people solucionate the psychological problems with help of the psychologists.
Although a part of people think that they aren’t good for the society. This people think that that they can’t solucionate the mental problems of the rest of the people because the people are different. Also, O agree with it, the think that this psychologists can create a dependence in the society, and this is incapable of solucionated the problemsof individual form, they need the help of the psychologists and it is bad, because the psychologists can control you mental form and they can manipulate you for their necessities and they can eliminated the liberty of expression.
For end, I think that they can’t answer to our psychological necessities because all are different , they only create the aparence that your problems are solucionates.