dissabte, 7 de març del 2009

composition: human rights

Well in my opinion the declaration of the human rights isn’t neutral because it content rests of the European culture although is a great invent because with this the world is better and we have can develop our societies.
Good I think that the articles most important are:
· The first article that say: All the human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights and, endowed since they are of reason and conscience, some must behave to respect with others.
For me this article is the most important because it considers the free of the humans and considers all the equal human beings and in that therefore none can abuse other one. I think that is the article with more importance because is the article most violated why with the wars, the sexual abuse, the racism and the xenophobia constantly the people abuse of this article. Today, in the 21st century a lot of people don’t understand that the people although theirs colour of skin is black or yellow or white they are equals and today still exist a racism groups.
· The second article important in my opinion is the third article everything person has right to the life, to the freedom and to the safety of his person.
This article is important because the life is important and the people have right to life and in the world everyday people kill other people for different reasons and I think that isn’t the action to solve the problems also exist the dialogue and we aren’t nobody for kill a other person that is equal as us.
· The third and also important article is the article twenty that say Every person has right to the freedom of pacific meeting and of association.
This is important because the people have free of expression and it is important because the people develop this personal identity and it is good for de develop of the world.
· The article four also is important because it say every person has right to the rest, to the enjoyment of the free time, to a reasonable limitation of the duration of the work and to periodic full vacations.
This article prevents the exploitation of hard-working as the owners did in the past and the hard-workings can have a nice life with working and correct holidays.
· And for me the second article is very important because it say that the human rights are corrects for the all people and nobody can limit this declaration in a group of people.