divendres, 28 de novembre del 2008

Discussion Essay: computers have made the world a better place

The invention of the computers has revolucioned the world. This invent was born to get objectives imposibles for the people. Nowadays a big number of people use the computer, somebodies depent the computers, and the same pass with a lot of the companies and industries of the world.

On the one hand , there are many rehaznos why the computers are very utilitzed.

They can do a lot of operations that for the humane mind are imposibles.

With the computers you can writte redactions with very good presentation, tittles with a diferents effects, maps corrects and precises, edited digital pictures and also this let do another things more relaxs how listen music, play computer games, etc.

They help the diferents countries and the diferents companies of the world with theirs relations, they have augmented the relations between the people.

But on the ohter hand, the computers have provocated that somebody depend execely of the comupter for example the people that play computer games they are addicts in this games and they don’t study and they lose the relations with the family and the friends.

Also the computers with the internet have get that the private life is more public, and the dependence of the computers in general for the companies of the world have provocated that a error in this computers would can be a big error in this companies and in the world.

Also I think that with the computers and the internet we have forgotten the really world, the nature, the walks for the mountains or for the streets and the things that can give us this world, the world that we living.

In conclusión, I think that the computers are a great invent that it help us with we desenvolopement and with the big discoveries of the world, but we have been consients that the computers are machines and we have remember that also exist the really world, the people, the nature and theirs diferents relations with us.