dissabte, 19 de gener del 2008

the new!!

In December Microsoft said in the CNN that the technological future was on the screens of touch that the conventional computers with a screen and a keyboard were gone out of fashion that the future was a tactile screen and a reconnoisseur vocal with what increases the interactivity and it will allow to obtain the perfection integrated to all the aspects of our lives.
Nowadays Microsoft this one studying the project to do these computers of the future, they say that it is a key step for the technological advance and that this will help to facilitate the way of using.
Also Microsoft said that not only it would make these computers but also, l'area of health there was employed at the showcased an electrical wireless toothbrush that supervises key functions of body, as the arterial tension, the tariff of heart and the temperature and immediately afterwards it would show it in a mirror of bathroom LCD, everything while a person was brushing herself his teeth.

Therefore we can say that Microsoft to past of virtual organizer to the screens of touch and not only in the computers!